

FamiCord services are provided by eticur


FamiCord services are provided by Krio Intézet


FamiCord services are provided by FamiCord Italia


FamiCord services are provided by Climes Sunu Banka


FamiCord services are provided by Famicord Suisse


FamiCord services are provided by Stemlab


FamiCord services are provided by Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych


FamiCord services are provided by Crioestaminal


FamiCord services are provided by Biogenis


FamiCord services are provided by Sevibe


FamiCord services are provided by Stemlab


FamiCord services are provided by Yaşam Bankası


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave

Bosnia & Herzegovina

FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Cellaviva


FamiCord services are provided by Cell Safe Bank


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Biosave


FamiCord services are provided by Cellaviva


FamiCord services are provided by UBSK

United Kingdom

FamiCord services are provided by Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych


Here you will find the most common questions and answers for Cryo-Save AG in Liquidation customers:

Basic information

I’m a customer whose samples were recently transferred from my former cryopreservation provider. Where is my biological material stored?

Containers with the biological material of customers whose samples were transferred from the former cryopreservation provider have been safely transported from facilities across Europe to one of the FamiCord Group laboratories located in Warsaw, Poland.

In order to check whether your material is stored in FamiCord Group laboratory in Warsaw, please fill in the contact form - https://famicordcryobank.ch/contact-for-clients-of-the-former-service-provider/check-your-sample and please wait for our confirmation.

Why was my biological material transferred to another bank?

What is the FamiCord Group? What is its market position? What accreditations does the FamiCord Group laboratory hold?

Why was the biological material stored by my cryo-preservation provider transferred to another location without obtaining my consent?

Will you confirm that material is stored in FamiCord Group? How quickly will such confirmation be sent?

Why other Parents who have filled the contact form later than me have already received an answer and I am still waiting for my confirmation?

What should I do if I do not have the agreement number and samples numbers?

What if I need to send the material to the transplantation centre? Are there any additional costs involved?

I received confirmation from you, but I do not recognize the sample numbers. What to do with that?

I've been unable to contact the company I entrusted with the child's stem cells for some time. Should it concern me?


How to conclude a new contract with FamiCord Group?

What will happen if I decide not to conclude a contract with a company from the FamiCord Group?

What about my contract concluded with my former cryo preservation provider? Do I need to terminate it?

When should I sign a storage contract with FamiCord Group?

Why do I have to extend the period covered by my previous contract with my initial cryo preservation provider by at least one year when signing with FamiCord Group?

What does FamiCord Group gain from storing samples?

Will FamiCord Group remind me of the approaching end of the prepaid period to my former cryo preservation provider, and thus inform me in good time about the beginning of the new period?

What will happen if I decide not to conclude a contract with a company from the FamiCord Group?

In which countries do the FamiCord Group laboratories operate? Can I choose the storage location for my sample in the contract?

Who will take care of the customers who decide to conclude a contract with FamiCord Group? What language will the Customer Service be in?

What discounts can I get at FamiCord Group when banking biological material of subsequent children?

What about the payments that have already been made to my former cryo preservation provider?

Some Parents have paid the fees only partly or not at all. Whom they supposed to pay and how should they do it?

I have not received a Certificate from my former cryo preservation provider - will I receive such a document from FamiCord Group?

Biosckin questions

I signed a contract with my former service provider. Why my material was stored in Biosckin instead in one of its laboratories? Why wasn't I informed about this change?

What is Biosckin company? On what basis had they stored my biological material?

What company currently stores my child's biological material?

Why were not all customer samples transported to FamiCord Group in spring 2019? What happened to the rest of the samples?

I was contacting with FamiCord Group before and I have received information that my child’s biological material could be in Portugal. Now you are informing me that you have my samples. What has happened?

Who is responsible for the quality of my biological material, FamiCord Group or Biosckin?

Other questions

How did you obtain my contact data or who shared them with you?

Why are you sometimes so slow in answering emails and messages such as Facebook and the phone lines are busy?

Who actually owns the stored material?

Is it possible to visit laboratory to see my sample?


How can I be sure that the biological material was transferred under proper conditions and was not destroyed?

How can you guarantee that the biological material belongs to our child?

Is FamiCord Group responsible for quality of stored samples? Do you test samples in cases when Parents want to make sure of the quality and to verify the identity of the biological material?